Kim's Kitchen

Homemade Noodles Turkey & Noodles Simmering Turkey & Noodles

Turkey & Noodles

In large stock pot, whisk together Cream of Mushroom Soup & Chicken Broth. Add in Celery, Carrots, Salt, Pepper, Parsley, Onion Powder, Garlic, Oregano & Bay Leaf. Simmer over medium-high heat until vegetables just start to get fork-tender.

Stir in Turkey, Milk & Frozen Peas. Slowly add in noodles (do this a little slowly to try and keep them from sticking together too much).

Cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes stirring frequently. Noodles should at least double in size & be cooked through. Mixture should thicken as it cooks from the flour on the noodles, but if it's runny, add a little flour or cornstarch slurry to it. Remove Bay Leaf before serving.

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