Kim's Kitchen

Stuff It! Warning: Addicting

Deviled Eggs

Hard boil Eggs in large pot of water. (I do mine on a medium boil for about 20 minutes) Remove from heat, cool thoroughly. Peel Eggs. Slice each egg in half, putting the whites on either a small cookie sheet or large serving plate and putting the yolks in a bowl. (Can easily remove with a spoon if they don't pop out of whites)

Once you have all the yolks in a bowl take a fork and mash them so they resemble crumbs.

To the crumbled Yolks, add Salt, Pepper, Dill, Garlic, Paprika, Parsley, Mayo, Yellow Mustard and Bacon Bits if using. Using a spoon, fill (to overflowing) the whites with the yolk mixture.

Once all the eggs are filled, you can garnish the tops if you like. I typically garnish with Paprika, Parsely or Bacon Bits.

Cover and refrigerate before serving.

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