Kim Kulture

Sunset Bay Oregon Disney World Animal Kingdon Shore Acres Oregon State Park City of Rocks Carribean Beach Carlsbad Caverns Florence Oregon Car Show

Who am I?

Hmm...the question that has plagued man since the beginning of time…

I am Kim. This is my page, my dream, my crazy ideas.

I am a mother of two crazy boys that are growing up way too fast. I am wife to one crazy husband who, thankfully, refuses to grow up. (I wouldn’t have it any other way) I was an only child growing up and I had loving parents that worked long hours, but I also had something else. I had a grandma, Ganna, who lived next door. If you spend any time in my clubhouse, you’re going to hear a lot about her. She was 70 when I was born so the things she taught me are things that are, in a lot of ways, lost arts. She was amazing at so many things and had a heart that was unmatched. If I can be half the woman she was, I’ll consider my life well-lived.

I have done many things career-wise in my life and I’ve reached a point in life where it’s time to start doing the things I love. Life really does go fast and I believe we’re all born with talents and gifts. It would be foolish to waste them and not use them. What a great time to do that! So much of our lives are happening online right now, what better platform to share the things we love?

To wrap my interests up into a short sentence or two is impossible. It really is, but here’s a “short” list of my interests, loves, passions: my family, cooking, baking, writing recipes, poetry, good books, musicals, opera, music of all types, movies, travel, just getting in the car and driving to “wherever”, Disney World, Disneyland, all things Disney, Harry Potter, the ocean, marine life, photography, the beauty in the world around us, astronomy, the night sky, the mountains, adventure, creating, Halloween, Christmas, traditions, getting my hands in the dirt, going barefoot even in the snow, party planning, butterflies, frogs, dragonflies, lighthouses, flowers, nature and learning. There are many more, but let’s start with those. Ha ha!

One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies sums it all up “Adventure is out there.” It is. We just have to be willing to go on the adventure. This is my time to do that and I invite you to go along with me. We’ll have fun. Promise.